Wednesday, October 28, 2015

New Corporate Visions Survey Finds B2B Companies Agree Sales Conversations Have Biggest Impact on Closed Deals, But Still Primarily Invest in Sales Processes Instead

Data Underscores How Sales Messaging Can Be More Valuable Than Technology, Tools or Processes in Helping Organizations Achieve More Profitable Growth

PLEASANTON, Calif., — Oct. 28, 2015  Corporate Visions, Inc., the leading marketing and sales messaging, content and skills training company, today announced the results of a new survey focused on marketing and sales messages and tools. The survey, which polled more than 430 business-to-business (B2B) marketing and sales executives globally, uncovered that although companies invest the most time and budget on sales process- related activities, respondents instead identified messaging and sales conversations as being the most important factor for driving more profitable, closed deals.

“The results reveal a striking contradiction between what companies believe will drive the greatest value and where they are investing most of their time and money,” said Tim Riesterer, chief strategy and marketing officer at Corporate Visions. “While it’s important that salespeople know where to show up and how to structure an opportunity, it’s clear in this survey that companies know that what is more important is actually what they say when they get there.”

Here is a detailed look at the survey results:

Investment Priorities
The largest number of respondents (34 percent) ranked the sales process (making sure salespeople know what to do and how to do it when it comes to managing accounts and opportunities) as the area their company spends the most time and budget on, followed by:

  • Product training (reps are taught to know their solutions’ capabilities and features in a way that makes them an expert source) – 27 percent
  • Messaging and field conversations (ensuring reps know what to say and how to say it to differentiate and articulate value) – 26 percent
  • Automation technology (giving sellers the latest and greatest automation and selling-related technologies and tools) – 13 percent

Perceived Impact
The majority of respondents (61 percent) selected reps’ ability to deliver a distinct point of view that uniquely positions their solutions as the most important factor for successfully driving deals to a profitable close, followed by:

  • Having a great sales process in place and having it consistently followed – 19 percent
  • Equipping reps with the best enabling technology and tools to increase productivity – 9 percent
  • Making sure reps know the ins and outs of their entire product portfolio – 11 percent

When given two choices and asked to select the one that had the most impact on moving a prospect to action and closing profitable deals, the vast majority of respondents chose the non-technology or tools-related option. Responses were as follows:

  • Understanding the key metrics executive decision-makers use to run their business (94 percent) versus contract applications (6 percent)
  • Linking your prospect’s business initiatives to your business value (93 percent) versus RFP response tools (7 percent)
  • Sharing market insights (86 percent) versus gamification tools (14 percent)
  • Managing the tension in your sales negotiations to help you secure more value (89 percent) versus email automation tools (11 percent)
  • Contrasting a prospect’s status quo with a change scenario (82 percent) versus CRM systems (18 percent)
  • Sharing a distinct point of view (68 percent) versus top-notch ROI tools (32 percent)

“For the remaining results, respondents indicated it was what salespeople say – not what they do or the tool used – that is most impactful,” said Riesterer. “This data further underscores the need for companies to focus on developing more effective messaging and training their salespeople to deliver those messages in a way that differentiates them and their solutions.”

For more information and an analysis of the survey findings, please view this infographic:

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Friday, October 2, 2015

Producing a Video That Focuses on Your Customers & Creating a How-To as New Method of Marketing

You’ll find some video production companies out there that focus too extensively on making videos all about their clients. While there isn’t anything wrong with showing things about yourself in reasonable doses, a marketing video should never be about them exclusively. With more focus recently on nurturing relationships with customers in corporations, it’s time you took the same initiative. You need a marketing video focused more on helping the customer rather than yourself.

Here at Joyco Productions, we’ll help you with this approach if you’ve always thought a marketing video means being exclusively about you. You have some specific approaches to being more personal so your prospective customers feel like you’re talking only to them.

Solving a Problem for Your Customers

The point of making a video for your customers is solving a problem for them with a product you’re selling. No matter what you product is, it should always solve a problem that’s never been adequately solved by anything else on the market. In your video, making this clear already captures viewer attention so they know it’s about them.

Your backstory is fine, as long as you keep it brief in the beginning. Using our creative expertise, your own brief personal story can set things up for addressing your customers personally.

Showing Testimonials as Proof

When you make claims of solving a problem for your customers, you also need proof of how it’s already worked for others. We’ll help you compile footage of other test customers who’ve already tried your product. Then we’ll add that footage to your marketing video as testimonials.

With testimonials from real customers, you have a powerful way of speaking directly to your viewers. At the same time, create a narration style as if talking to a friend. Show some empathy for what your customers are likely going through rather than constantly mentioning how great your company is. Using proper integration of the personal and customer testimonials, the evidence will speak for itself how great you are. You’ve also taken the first step in nurturing more personal relationships with your customers by putting the spotlight on them.

If you need a marketing video for your business in Denver, you’re possibly instantly thinking of conventional production methods that everyone you know uses. This might mean a video telling about your background, taking a tour of your company, or introducing you and your staff. While these methods still work as methods of storytelling, another method is available as a new form of telling a story.

Here at Joyco, we’re getting many requests for how-to marketing videos where you tell a story about how your product works. However, it doesn’t necessarily mean focusing squarely on your product. Any type of how-to giving information that’s valuable to your customers is a popular trend.

How do you approach a how-to marketing video so it’s entertaining and not dull? We’ll help you create one and prove that a how-to is sometimes a compelling method in providing information your prospective customers can’t find anywhere else.

Demonstrating How Your Product Works

The most popular how-to method is showing real-time use of your product so those watching see proven results. If you have a product that provides results within a short period of time, doing a one-take demonstration of what it does is one of the best how-to methods. When you apply the result to a real-world situation, you bring a much more powerful marketing edge.

Making this how-to element successful is ably showing how easy it is to use your product. You’ll need a demonstrator who easily uses your product in an adept way without mistakes. In some cases, this could be yourself as the creator of the product, or an actor who’s learned how to use your product effectively.

A How-To with Useful Facts

Even if you don’t have a product and only a company service, providing entertaining facts in how-to format also works well. Whether it is in animation or live-action form, we’ll help you come up with entertaining ways to provide facts pertaining to what you offer. You can back up all your facts with testimonials from past customers, or factoids done in fun or humorous ways.
One of the most popular videos in this realm is by Blendtec where they put a guy in a lab coat and put a wide variety of things in their blender, some things would surprise you, take a look!

Keep in mind that points out that 70% of all beauty product buyers will view how-to videos this year to influence what they buy. Ultimately, any product works as long as you show demonstrable results.

Contact us at Joyco Productionsso we can create a powerful marketing video as a new and refreshing approach to introduce who you are and how to use your product or service.


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